Karata yanchito
Profiles and profiles are the largest consumption areas of PVC in my country, accounting for about 25% of the total consumption of PVC. Amagwiritsidwa ntchito makamaka kupanga zitseko ndi mawindo ndi mphamvu zopulumutsa, ndipo voliyumu yawo yogwiritsira ntchito ikukulabe kudutsa dzikolo. M'mayiko otukuka, msika wa pulasitiki ndi mawindo alinso wapamwamba kwambiri, monga 50% ku Germany, 56% ku France, ndi 45% ku United States.
Among the many PVC products, PVC pipes are the second largest consumption area, accounting for about 20% of its consumption. M'dziko langa, ziphuphu za PVC zinapangidwa kale kuposa mapaipi a PP ndi mapaipi a PP, ndi mitundu yambiri, magwiridwe antchito abwino, komanso kugwiritsa ntchito kofunikira pamsika.
PVC consumption in the PVC film field ranks third, accounting for about 10%. Pambuyo pa PVC imasakanikirana ndi zowonjezera komanso pulasitiki, imodzi kapena katatu kapena kambuku yokulungira imagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga kanjira kakang'ono kapena kaphiridwe kazithunzi. The film is processed in this way to become a calendered film. It can also be processed into packaging bags, raincoats, tablecloths, curtains, inflatable toys, etc. by cutting and heat sealing. Wide transparent films can be used for greenhouses, plastic greenhouses and ground films. The biaxially stretched film can be used for shrink packaging due to its heat shrinkage characteristics.
Add stabilizers, lubricants and fillers to PVC. Nditasakaniza, kutha kumatha kumatalika masheberi osiyanasiyana, mapaipi apadera, ndi mapaipi okhala, omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati mapaipi a chideiri, kumwa mapaipi amadzi kapena masitepe a stair. The rolled sheets are overlapped and hot pressed to make hard sheets of various thicknesses. Mapepala amatha kudulidwa mu mawonekedwe ofunikira, kenako ndodo zoweta za PVC zimagwiritsidwa ntchito poyala masisiketi osiyanasiyana osungira mankhwala, mpweya ndi zonyamula ndi mpweya wotentha.
Polyvinyl chloride products are mainly used for packaging various containers, films and hard sheets. PVC containers are mainly used to produce mineral water, beverages, and cosmetic bottles, and are also used for packaging refined oils. Filimu ya PVC imatha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuona ndi ma poizo ena kuti apange zinthu zotsika mtengo, komanso zinthu zowoneka bwino ndi zotchinga zabwino. PVC film can also be used for stretch or heat shrink packaging, and is used to package mattresses, cloth, toys, and industrial goods.
PVC siding is mainly used to replace aluminum siding. Kuphatikiza pa gawo la pvc rentin, zigawo zotsalazo za PVC pansi zimabwezedwanso zida, zomata, mafakitale, ndi zinthu zina. They are mainly used on the hard ground of airport terminals and other places.
Luggage bags are traditional products made from PVC. PVC is used to make various imitation leathers for luggage bags, sports products, such as basketballs, footballs, and rugby. It can also be used to make belts for uniforms and special protective equipment. Zovala za PVC za zovala nthawi zambiri zimakhala zophatikizika (zopanda tanthauzo), monga matabwa, mathalauza a mwana, jekete zokongola, ndi nsapato zosiyanasiyana zamvula. Polyvinyl chloride is used in many sports and entertainment products, such as toys, records and sports equipment. Polyvinyl chloride zoseweretsa ndi zida zamasewera zimakhala ndi kuchuluka kwakukulu, ndipo ali ndi mwayi chifukwa cha mtengo wawo wochepa komanso wowumba mosavuta.
Artificial leather with a backing is made by applying PVC paste on cloth or paper, and then plasticizing it at above 100°C. It can also be made by first calendering PVC and additives into a film, and then pressing it with a backing. Chikopa chopanga chopanda chithandizo chimakwezedwa mwachindunji kukhala pepala lofewa la kukula kwa calender, kenako ndikupanikizika ndi mawonekedwe. Chikopa chochita kupanga chitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kupanga masutukesi, matumba, buku la sofa ndi malo okhala, etc., omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati nyumba pansi pa nyumba.
Pamene pvc yofewa imasakanikirana, kuchuluka kwa wogwirizirayo kumawonjezeredwa kuti apange pepala, lomwe limakhumudwitsidwa pulasitiki ya thonje, yomwe itha kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati mbewa zowuma, nsapato, ma storses osonyeza zida zapamalo. Itha kupangidwanso ndi mapepala okhala ndi ma pvc otsika ndi mafayilo ophatikizidwa ndi Exprerder, omwe amatha kusintha nkhuni ndipo ndi mtundu watsopano wa zomangamanga.
PVC is added with impact modifier and organic tin stabilizer, and becomes transparent sheet after mixing, plasticizing and calendering. Itha kupangidwa zotengera zowoneka bwino kapena zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito posungira blister blair ndi thermofarmation, ndipo ndi njira yabwino kwambiri yodzikongoletsera.
Post Nthawi: Disembala 16-2024